
아래 양식을 작성해 주세요.

▶ Purpose of using cookies, etc.
- To provide targeted marketing and personalized services by analyzing access frequency and visit time of members and non-members, identifying user’s tastes and interests, tracking traces, understanding the degree of participation in various events and the number of visits.
You may choose whether to install cookies or not. Thus, you can set options in your web browser to allow all cookies, check each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.

▶ How to refuse cookies in setting
Example: go to the option in your web browser and check each time a cookie is saved or reject to save all cookies
How to set- example (for internet explorer)
: go to the top of web browser- tools> internet option> personal information
In case you refuse to install cookie, your access in services may be restricted. 
Changes in policy of personal information
The new policy will be applied from 2021. 1. 4

Consent to Personal Information Collection and Use ()